Koszula wykonana w 100% z bawełny. Ma wąski krój, klasyczny spiczasty kołnierz, zapięcie z przodu na guziki i rękawy z mankietami zapinanymi na guziki, charakterystyczna tkana etykieta.

Wzrost modela: 185cm/6ft

Wyprodukowano na Litwie


100% bawełna


  • Prać w temperaturze 30°C
  • Nie wybielać
  • Prasować w niskiej temperaturze
  • Pranie chemiczne
  • Nie suszyć w suszarce
Waga 0.5 kg
Wymiary 10 × 8 × 1 cm

S, M, XS, L, XL




Please allow 1-2 business days for your order to process.


JERRY SHEPHERD offers free delivery for all order above 150 EUR in the European Union. Please note that free shipping will be applied to your order at checkout.

Country UPS / InPost
Poland 1-2 business days
United Kingdom 1-5 business days
Lithuania 1-3 business days
Europe 1-5 business days
World 2-7 business days


Your order would be accepted for an exchange or return if returned in original condition and packaging, within fourteen days (14) days from the delivery date. The returned item’s must be accompanied by the original receipt or a copy in the case of a partial return. The cost of returning a product is covered by the customer. In order to do this, you can return the product via UPS / Inpost return labels. To do this, please write to us at info@jerryshepherd.com and we will send you a UPS or InPost return label by email. Products may also be exchanged or returned for gift-card.

L’homme fort


Kup teraz